LETTER: Langley resident irked by lack of social distancing in MP’s Christmas card photo

A constituent is concerned about the message a group family photos sends during a global pandemic

Cloverdale-Langley City MP Tamara Jansen sent out Christmas cards and one local constituent is concerned about the message it sends in the age of COVID.

Dear Editor,

Re: The Cloverdale-Langley City MP Tamara Jansen Christmas card

Enter: Sarcasm

How nice to receive a Christmas card from Tamara Jansen that was probably paid for with mine and your tax dollars. What a lovely picture of her with her husband and many grandchildren on the front. It must be so nice to spend time with your grandchildren.

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My children haven’t seen any of their grandparents since the summer because of COVID-19 restrictions and concerns. I wonder how many different households that picture represents. Including her and her five children, it is potentially six.

Wow, what a nice big family get together!

Maybe all those kids are home-schooled and none of them attend daycare. Maybe the whole pack of them live together in one house?

What do you think?

Leanne Demuth, Langley City


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Langley Advance Times