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LETTER: Langley resident laments loss of housing dreams for youth

Canadians have to rethink about equality in light of economic disparities

Dear Editor,

The generations coming up have lost the Canadian dream of owning a home in this country.

We are failing.

The costs of homes continually rise and affordable living is like a mist embodied with no light.

• READ MORE: Rents out of reach at Langley affordable housing project, say would-be tenants

We have a pandemic not only being confronted with a vaccination but, also our sense of fairness and equality is deteriorating not only for ourselves but for our children.

Food keeps going up as well as the commodities we need and the light at the end of tunnel seems more dim then ever.

• READ MORE: B.C.’s renoviction overhaul a good start but won’t preserve affordable housing stock, lawyer says

This country needs to rethink on what equality is on all levels.

When dreams disappear for us, we become a reality of delusional effort to build our place in this world where there is very little possibility.

The youth we once owned are our reflections in our children and our dreams we give to them is the future we leave behind.

What are we leaving behind?

Cran Campbell, Langley City


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