Dear Editor,
Langley MP Tako van Popta said he is pleased the Township of Langley mayor and council are advocating for an additional place for people looking for mental health support to go.
9-8-8 would be a professional, free, and 24/7 phone service for Canadians struggling with mental health.
• READ MORE: MP van Popta and Township of Langley join forces to support national suicide hotline
House of Commons passed a motion, to bring a national three-digit suicide prevention hotline to Canada and asked that all municipalities across Canada to consider passing a similar motion that, given that the alarming rate of suicide in Canada constitutes a national health crisis, the House of Commons call on the government to take immidiate action, in collaboration with our provinces, to establish a national suicide prevention hotline that consolidates all suicide crisis numbers into one easy to remember three- digit (988) hotline that is accessible to all Canadians.
Dean Clark, Langley
• READ MORE: Helpful numbers and resources for B.C.
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