Dear Editor,
I appreciated your coverage of the condo under construction fire on 80th Avenue and 208th Street.
This fire just goes to show you that although the Township firefighters are some of the best, they are underfunded for the number of firefighters per truck compared to places like Vancouver or Burnaby, with equipment that is inadequate to handle these type of fires.
More new improved equipment and a safe number of firefighters per truck are required.
With the number of condos being built here, the council has dismally failed to keep up with the hiring of new firefighters and supplying better equipment.
Come on, council, get with it. Show support for the force before the Township goes up in flames.
John Anderson, Yorkson
• READ MORE: Willoughby Elementary closed as Langley deals with aftermath of massive condo fire
• READ MORE: Willoughby Fire: the aftermath of the inferno in Langley
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