Dear Editor,
In 10 years will 90 per cent of current jobs be gone to machines and robots?
Well, not exactly, every year our advances on robots and A.I. are getting better and better, but it won’t advance anywhere near enough to take our jobs anytime soon.
With stats and other information from big tech companies the anxiety is still widespread across communities globally. Regardless, even if more machinery came in and started automating more jobs, those jobs wouldn’t exactly disappear, they’d simply be displaced, and new jobs would be created.
For example, say a company comes up with robots to fully automate the process of making a vehicle, well sure, you may not have a job in making vehicles but there will be a need for engineers to maintain the robots.
In the end machines and robots won’t overtake the working men and women, in fact the chances of it happening in our lifetime is slim.
Braiden D.
Editor’s note: Writing 11 students of Walnut Grove Secondary teacher Vince Rahn were tasked with opinion writing, finding it’s more difficult to put down reasoned arguments than simply tossing out cliches or venting.
“They were able to choose any current relevant topic,” Rahn explained.
Students were graded based on how they presented their information and arguments. The assignment also included having to hand write the pieces and send them to the Langley Advance Times via snail mail, an experience fewer and fewer young people have nowadays. It mirrors an assignment he gave to his students many years ago, before the internet and social media.
“Yes, I have done this quite some time ago, but this time I insisted that they go ‘old school’ and put into an envelope with a cover letter, etc.,” he explained.
Please keep any feedback respectful and age appropriate.