
Letter: Last stand on Fairy Creek?

"Third party" interference is not wanted

Last stand on Fairy Creek?

Logging protesters claim that Fairy Creek is one of the last stands of old growth on the B.C. coastal rainforest. Not so!

Old growth has been preserved in many areas, including south Moresby Island, Clayoquot Sound, Nitnat-Hitchie Cr., Toitika River, Schoen Lake, Tsitika River, Schmidt Cr., Strathcona, Carmanah, Walbran, and Khutzeymatteen valleys. In addition multiple valleys of old growth stands are found in the protected Great Bear Rainforest covering 2.1 million hectares (six times the size of the Cowichan Valley Regional District). (ref: Passion & persistence: 50 years of the Sierra Club in BC)

COVID has devastated the Canadian economy and cut service industry jobs. Resource industries are the one bright spot, providing good paying jobs and sorely needed tax revenue. The indigenous authorities in the Fairy Creek area has recognized this fact and have told the protesters in an open letter that their “third party” interference is not wanted. I agree.

Don Graham


Cowichan Valley Citizen