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LETTER – Lazo Road does not need a lower speed limit; it needs widening

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I read of the Lazo Road speed limit change to 30 km/h.

This speed limit is reserved for school zones and most respect that young students could be distracted, enthused about school and friends, and need motorists to slow down. Most drivers understand this.

Lazo Road is my cruising route and Point Holmes is my favourite walking route. The road is very narrow, with barely room for two vehicles to pass by, let alone runners, pedestrians, and many cyclists. Lowering the speed limit will not solve the issue of interaction on this very popular, very narrow road.

I have noted that someone has left huge carbon footprints on Lazo Road. Huge horsepower laying big rubber strips. So this seems an unrealistic overreaction from Comox council. Rather than a school zone speed limit, how about an investment in widening the road with bike/pedestrian lanes and some occasional RCMP traffic presence. Calling in the federal military police is something else, but, it does work. Nobody speeds past the Airbase 50 km/h limit.

Phil Harrison


Comox Valley Record