Editor, The News:
It is madness this talk of a city garbage collection system.
First, don’t you see, any privatization initiative government takes becomes a failure, such as ICBC, and we pay for these mistakes.
We have private garbage collectors working around the week, and we pay only for our own garbage pickup. We have a very good recycling program.
This fuss about too many garbage trucks makes no sense. Let them work for a living.
People are moving here from different cities ant want change, but what we have here works.
I have heard complaints separating glass, plastic and metals. It’s no different than separating laundry. We save energy when we hang it out to dry when the weather is favorable.
So leave this garbage issue alone. Only bad people dump mattresses, drywall, carpets and other such items.
I have lived here 28 years. I have maybe three bags of garbage every six months. I take it to the garbage disposal for $17 a load. The rest of my waste goes for compost, recycling and the bottle depot.
Pawel Zapala
Maple Ridge
‘Garbage options’
Editor, The News:
Myself and neighbors really appreciate our private garbage collectors. They are very aware that if we are not satisfied, we can change. They are polite and efficient. We have options, but if city takes over, we are at their mercy.
Leave these companies to carry on their business and be gainfully employed. They have employees and equipment who are a part of our community.
Ron Smith
Maple Ridge