Letter: Left from Benvoulin to Byrnes wastes gas

I have repeatedly tried to get Kelowna traffic engineering to correct (the Benvoulin and Byrns Road traffic lights) with no results.

To the editor:

I would like to enlist the aid of your readers in my attempt to correct a wonky traffic signal. I have repeatedly tried to get Kelowna traffic engineering to correct it with no results.

Here is the situation: The traffic signal is at Benvoulin and Byrns Road. There is a protected left turn lane for northbound Benvoulin traffic to turn left onto Byrns.

When there is absolutely no traffic on Byrns and a vehicle is waiting to turn left, the signal turns red for all traffic in both directions on Benvoulin.

Now it is obvious to any reasonable mind that there is no need to stop north-bound Benvoulin traffic as there is no traffic conflict. The light does turn green again four seconds later.

I wonder if the city’s green team know how much fuel and brake pads are wasted every day stopping and starting dozens of cars without any need.

Here is where I question the city mantra of “you have to pay top dollar to get top talent.” I phoned the city traffic engineering people and spoke to a traffic tech. She looked into her computer and said the light is working fine.

Two weeks later I phoned again and spoke to the “manager.” This was a young man from a foreign land who was new to Kelowna and had no idea where this intersection was, but promised to look into it.

It is now two months later and nothing has been fixed.

I suggest that all users of Benvoulin call City Hall and demand a fix. It might require a tech to get out of their comfy chair and go and look, but now that it is warmer that might happen.

Bruce Stevenson,



Kelowna Capital News