LETTER: Legalization of marijuana is a dangerous pathway

LETTER: Legalization of marijuana is a dangerous pathway

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

Government legalizing marijuana is about the money and taxes, wait till the medical bills start rolling in, the increased accidents and loss of productivity. Bronchitis, COPD and lung cancer, not to mention the cost to fight one’s mind and spirit coping with marijuana addiction. If you are addicted what about the strain on your family budget. Plus it often leads to harder drugs.

However, I do believe in the benefits for medicinal use derived from the properties of cannabis oil in controlled situations and by prescription. Not in seeing how much THC you can inhale just to get high. Standing outside now and feeling nauseous, everywhere I go, because of the awful smell of people toking it up. Don’t the people that do not smoke pot have any rights… What’s wrong with these politicians legalizing pot? I’m okay with de-criminalization and medicinal use; not with wholesale distribution.

Opium also has a medical purpose to help control pain. There is proper use but often it leads to abuse. I have heard people say that no one has ever died from smoking cannabis, actually thousands of people have died attributed to the use of marijuana. Lung disease, introduction to harder drugs, even suicide and unfortunately many killed by law enforcement agencies and gang wars over the stuff.

My wife and I have personally worked with, prayed for and tried to help many addicts over the years. Many have struggled with marijuana addiction, although it is not as severe as opiates, crack and meth it can still have detrimental effects on a persons life and well being. Imprisonment and conviction for marijuana use is wrong, however to freely introduce it into our society is also very dangerous. I would like to see more study and safeguards in place before marijuana is made available on every street corner.

Murray Coulter


Comox Valley Record