LETTER - Letter from Christian wrong on many levels, including Biblical reference

LETTER – Letter from Christian wrong on many levels, including Biblical reference

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I am Christian and heterosexual, and I take offence to Al Turner’s letter attacking the LGBTQ community (Christian takes exception to editorial supportive of LGBTQ community, Aug. 1).

Firstly, your Leviticus quote is not 19:22, but 18:22. Leviticus book of laws, dating back to the 7th century BC, would land a person in prison for life if those same laws were enforced today. In my opinion, using the Bible to promote/justify bigotry is unchristian.

You say that no culture or country has felt the need to celebrate being heterosexual. Well, that is because heterosexuals have not been persecuted for their sexual orientation. Stating that your letter is not of condemnation, but rather a letter of love and acceptance, is an oxymoron.

Proverbs 6:19 warning against sewing discord: “A false witness that speaketh lies and him that soweth discord among brethren.”

Would God then despise you?

B Curry,


Comox Valley Record