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LETTER: Little gestures of love

Carol Chaulk encourages readers to give a little love today


About a year ago, I wrote to your newspaper, comparing coronavirus to the war years growing up in Edinburgh; very sad years with tragic losses. The difference at that time was that the neighbours would regularly get together for “Spitfire Concerts,” donating a few pennies for the war effort while bringing their own chairs to sit in the garden and be entertained by adults and children alike, covering singing, bagpipes, mouth organs, and silly poems.

The secret, of course, was that these gatherings were used to boost each others’ morale and courage and also exchange hugs. Therein lies the difference!

At the time, I wrote into the paper I suggested I would start waving to people in cars, on walks, and in fact to everyone I could to let them know they were not alone. I have been doing this now for almost a year, but what has happened has been a total surprise. At first, I thought of it as probably very unimportant and many days, as the situation grew worse, I sometimes would doubt that it made a difference at all. And I was tempted to stop.

Every time I was feeling that way, I would get a wave back or a car honking or even a car stopping to say ” Thanks, you made my day” So I have continued and will do so until the virus is beaten.

I encourage other readers to send out their own form of greeting, for surely, love is all around us, albeit from a distance.

Carol Chaulk

Hope Standard