LETTER – Little things meant a lot back then, and they mean a lot now

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

Little things meant a lot in 1953 when this song was written.

Today, they mean even more. Consider what you can do to make it just a bit easier for others to get through.

Communicating makes a huge difference. A smile or a cheerful greeting can go a lot further than six feet. A compliment, a word of appreciation, or a reminder that it’s a beautiful day can do so much, especially for anyone feeling cut off from the world. Try speaking to that homeless person huddled outside a store. He’s human; ask him his name and give him a blessing as well as a few dollars. Pick up the phone and call your neighbours. Send emails to friends and family everywhere. My friend living in the hardest-hit part of Italy looks forward to hearing from me.

Gardening season is upon us and maybe an older person needs help. You’ll get more than sunshine and exercise if you do some weeding and yard tidying or plant a few summer bulbs. If you’re starting seeds indoors, put in a few extra tomatoes, cucumbers, or squash. By the time they’re big enough to plant outdoors, maybe you’ll be able to give some to your neighbours in person.

If you can play any instrument or sing, get out there on your deck or balcony and provide some upbeat entertainment. We do this whenever the weather is warm enough and we’ve had nothing but great appreciation. If the people in Italy can get up and sing, so can all Canadians.

Come on, folks, all those little things you can do will add up to a great booster of morale and, incidentally, to everybody’s immune system.

Leith Stewart,


Comox Valley Record