Council needs tighter controls on residential construction to prevent more monster homes, a letter writer argues. (Canadian Press/Nathan Denette)

LETTER: Maple Ridge doesn’t need more monster homes, letter writer says

Neighbours impacted when monster homes constructed nearby

Dear Editor,

Re: [LETTER: Homes ugly, The News, June 11]

I am in complete agreement with the residents of this city who do not want our neighbourhoods changed with these great big monster homes.

There is absolutely no consideration given to what the surrounding neighbourhood looks like.

Who’ s view, that you have had for 40 years, you are cutting off or whose backyard no longer gets any evening sun, or whose backyard you are now looking down on from your two- and three-storey balconies?

It is time to tell these developers that if they want to build that kind of home to look elsewhere, not in established neighbourhoods.

Marlene Dermott, Maple Ridge


• READ MORE: LETTER: Council please heed Joni’s warning

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