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LETTER: Masks should be worn outside

With the advent of new variants, social distancing and mask wearing is critical. This should also be the case for all outdoor activity. I cannot tell you the number of times, when I, fully masked, have encountered mask-less walkers, joggers, and cyclists who have forced me onto the road because they refuse to provide at least six feet of distance.

With the advent of new variants, social distancing and mask wearing is critical. This should also be the case for all outdoor activity. I cannot tell you the number of times, when I, fully masked, have encountered mask-less walkers, joggers, and cyclists who have forced me onto the road because they refuse to provide at least six feet of distance.

Come on people, we are living through a once-in-a-generation pandemic. Show some common sense, courtesy, and respect for those of us who are doing more than our part in combating this dreadful scourge. Wear masks outside, please.

Wendy Ewing


Goldstream News Gazette