If you have a letter you’d like to submit to the editor for consideration, please email us at editor@mapleridgenews.com. Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

LETTER: ‘Maybe it’s time for a long second look’

Good news and more bad news on the Site C project and billions being spent to make it happen

Dear Editor,

The province will go ahead and spend another $7 billion on the Site C Megadam project.

The only good news is that it could make a little money, or, maybe not.

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But the bad news is stacking up:

• it will cost more than now-available sustainable alternatives,

• movement toward a more sustainable energy future will have to wait until the bills are paid,

• it’s going to pose legal risks to the province,

• there will be massive flood damage to graveyards, agricultural land, and fishing,

• the environment will take a hit that is even wider than these three,

• Indigenous consent is withheld, after covenanting to move ahead only with such consent.

Maybe it’s time for a long second look.

RELATED: Site C actions, costs won’t be known until after B.C. election, Horgan says

Allen Aicken, Ruskin



• If there is more to this issue, please let us know about it. Email us at editor@mapleridgenews.com. We look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News