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Letter: Mayor needs to respond to why city is giving tax breaks to developers

Kelowna - "I am writing with regards to the impending closure of Kelowna Youth and Family Services."

An open letter to Mayor Colin Basran:

I am writing with regards to the impending closure of Kelowna Youth and Family Services. You may have seen the letter I wrote and was published by Capital News. If not, I have attached a copy for you.

The following day the Capital News published a follow-up article on the front page and the comments sent in by the general public. Shortly after the articles were published I discovered that Kelowna city council has given a tax break to developers in the area to encourage ongoing building projects and growth in and around the city. I was wondering at the logic of this when the developers will be here whether they have a tax break or not? Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley are beautiful, there will always be people wanting to settle next to its lakes and mountains, and developers to build.

In my letter, I wrote about the counter-intuitiveness of closing an office that helps, provides tools and supports people with mental health issues, specifically in our youth and families. Many of these people are living very close to the edge and could easily become homeless themselves. I speak of this, from own personal experience. I even suggested creating a larger infrastructure fee to developers so that resources such as KYFS can continue to function and money can be made available to assist the homeless through that fee. Then, I find out that the city has given them a tax break. I am confused. Mayor Basran, could you please help me understand why this decision was made and how it came about? I know other counselling facilities have been opened recently for youth but how can you help a youth without supporting the family as well? Why stop something that has been and still is a valuable resource to our community? I look forward to hearing from you and gaining some understanding. Please read my attached letter.

Sheila Dyer


Kelowna Capital News