A rendering of proposed housing at 2700 Mission Road. Graphic supplied

LETTER – Mission Road Development concerns neighbourhood residents

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

This development at 2700 Mission Road is causing grave concerns for the people that live in the area.

The mayor indicated they had received over 200 written submissions and Coun. Hillian remarked it was the most controversial development for some time.

The Feb. 16 council meeting now identified the city will be pushing Mission Road through to Crown Isle Blvd. The traffic in the area now between Ryan and Mission is horrible. Although the developer had a massive traffic study done, it had no data to start with, and as a result, the report is just an estimate and a guess. We have just received the traffic data from the hospital from Island Health and the developer’s estimates in this area was out by more than 200 per cent. I have asked numerous times why doesn’t the city do its own traffic study using traffic tubes so they can get the proper data on the area traffic. City staff and city council are reluctant to do this. Comox does this, what is the city afraid of finding out?

Secondly, the virtual zoom public hearing on this development was the citiy’s first attempt at ” Zooming” and it was a disaster, as many people queued up to speak by phone could not engage due to technical problems. City council has many concerns on the look of the buildings, calling it a barracks, and not up to standard with respect to form and character. They also want the developer to possibly reduce the density in the barracks. Mr. Fitzgerald is of the opinion if you reduce density you don’t need another public hearing. We disagree completely, There are still many issues about this project that need to be better scrutinized. All the citizens need to be heard, not just a few.

Gary Rawlings, Jim Madeiros,


Comox Valley Record