

LETTER: More support needed for urban Indigenous people during COVID-19

The government seems to think that putting more money into Friendship Centres is going to help us…

To the Editor,

Re: PM offering $75 million more in COVID-19 aid for Indigenous people living off reserve, albernivalleynews.com, Sept. 18, 2020

As an urban Indigenous person, I have received: two $50 food vouchers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The government seems to think that putting more money into Friendship Centres is going to help us. It’s a broken and outdated system.

When it was announced that money would be going towards urban Indigenous people, Trudeau stated that we would also be eligible for CERB, like every other Canadian. What if you are not eligible for CERB? That seems like a carrot for potential fraud to me. Giving us the rope to hang ourselves—as always.

Urban Indigenous people are entitled to support from our band or the federal government during these times. Or we need an option to opt out of our memberships, permanently—that includes a payout.

I’m tired of these condescending, paternalistic policies. It’s time for urban natives to take a stand.

Ellie Lindt,

Ahousaht First Nation

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News