To the editor;
This is an open letter to MP Russ Hiebert and voters in the riding of South Surrey–White Rock–Cloverdale.
Mr Hiebert:
After months of investigations, it is today confirmed by Elections Canada that an IP address used by the Conservative Party was also used in the campaign to suppress voters in 200 ridings last May 2011 election.
Many brave people gave their lives to ensure our right to vote, while people all over the world continue to fight for theirs.
As an embarrassed Canadian, I submit that the only honourable course of action is for Mr. Harper to call by-elections in EVERY riding targeted by the Conservative cheaters.
If not, each person who gave their life fighting for our democratic rights will have died in vain.
Mr. Hiebert, will you lead by example and publicly ask Mr. Harper to do the right thing?
If not, your silence makes you complicit, and I suggest all (silent) Conservative Party members, refrain from singing “We Stand on Guard for Thee” this coming July 1st.
You either support cheaters or you do not.
Your electorate awaits your response.
R Benoit
South Surrey
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