LETTER: Mufflers are there for a reason, says writer

To the Editor,

LETTER: Mufflers are there for a reason, says writer

To the Editor,

After another great sunny day, spoiled only by the ear-shattering roar of the unmuffled engines of the motorcycles, pickups and cars roaring around town, I think that it’s about time that we all take back the peace and quiet that we have a right to.

The B.C. Motor Vehicle Act sets a limit of 91 decibels as the legal maximum for motor vehicle exhaust systems on the road.

The motorcycle riders that have chosen to remove their factory exhaust system and to then replace it with straight pipes are breaking the law every time they start up their bike.

I think it’s time to start enforcing the law so that we can enjoy the peace and quiet of our city.

D. Stevenson,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News