

LETTER: National pharmacare promises are more empty words

Frank Sterle, Jr. of White Rock rips feds, media for lack of medication accountability

Dear Editor:

The Throne Speech’s mention of accelerating Canada’s development of a national pharmacare plan along with other progressive measures is likely in exchange for needed NDP support of the shaky Liberal minority government. Liberal and Conservative governments have consistently allowed us to remain the world’s sole country that has universal healthcare but does not similarly cover prescribed medication, however necessary.

Assuming it’s not just another hollow promise of universal medication coverage, why has it taken so long for a Canadian federal government to implement one? And considering it’s a potential life-and-death issue, why has our news media not pursued it far more than it has? Not only does this make medication affordability much harder, but many low-income outpatients who cannot afford to fill their prescriptions end up back in the hospital system thus costing far more than if their generic-brand medication was covered.

Logic says we cannot afford to maintain such an absurdity that costs Canada billions extra annually. It’s not coincidental that the absence of universal medication coverage also keeps the pharmaceutical industry’s profits soaring. Undoubtedly, its lobbyists in Ottawa are well worth their bloated salaries.

Frank Sterle, Jr.

White Rock

Agassiz-Harrison Observer