(UGC/The News)

LETTER: Neighbours knew they were moving next door to Maple Ridge Golf Course

People should investigate the neighbourhood before they buy, letter writer says

Dear Editor,

[Re: Residents teed off at city, The News, April 23]

I am always surprised when I read these types of stories. Dustin Bell decided to buy a house close to a golf course and is now complaining that there are golf balls landing in his yard. Why is he surprised?

If he bought a house near a train crossing, would the train whistle surprise him as well?

This reminds of the story some years back when a couple bought a house near the SPCA shelter and then complained to the city about the sounds of dog barking?

Maple Ridge Golf Course was started in 1926 and folks around the course have apparently managed just fine.

On his next house purchase, he may want to review the surrounding area closer prior to purchase.

Eric Lauridsen, Maple Ridge


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