Submit letters to the editor through our website, via email or in writing.

Submit letters to the editor through our website, via email or in writing.

LETTER: No bus service over new Langley highway interchange a mistake

Why doesn't Metro Vancouver have any form of transit on demand like other major cities

Dear Editor,

As usual no bus service over the new overpass.

Langley need way better bus service to increase mode split which is less than 5 per cent by transit.

Transit On Demand or Demand Response Transport is available in over 400 cities in Canada/US but not in Metro Vancouver.

Inter-city bus services are needed in all parts of the Fraser Valley, many buses should operate on HOV lanes.

Nathan Davidowicz, Vancouver

• READ MORE: New Langley highway interchange site of morning crash

• LETTER: Was an interchange into quiet neighbourhood worth 62M?


Do you have an opinion you’d like to share. Please send us a letter to the editor, include your first and last name, your address, and your phone number. Email to In the meantime, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

Langley Advance Times