Letter: No need for gory fight pictures in Cap News

Those that consider this type of “competition” as a “sport” have all the resources available to find gruesome pictures such as this on line.

To the editor:

I’m disgusted with the picture of Toshido MMA fighter Matt Dwyer pounding the daylights out of Demarques Johnson posted in the June 6 edition of the Capital News.

It’s a heinous picture of these “fighters” and there is no need for all, especially our impressionable youth, to view it in your newspaper.

In my opinion it shows irresponsibility on behalf of the Kelowna Capital News.

Those that consider this type of “competition” as a “sport” have all the resources available to find gruesome pictures such as this on line. We don’t need to see it on our kitchen tables.

Thanks for your time.

Deborah White,



Kelowna Capital News