LETTER: Not ‘everyone’ thinks President Trump should receive the Nobel Prize

Dear editor,

LETTER: Not 'everyone' thinks President Trump should receive the Nobel Prize

Dear editor,

Ever self-endorsing, President Trump told the press that “everyone thinks” he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. I am not among “everyone.”

Instead, I would nominate those who rescued the boys and coach of the Wild Boars soccer team from the flooded and murky depths of a cave in Thailand.

Among the criteria for receiving the Nobel Prize is that one “shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations.” The extraordinary co-operation, bravery, altruism, selflessness, steadfastness of purpose and persistence of those who rushed to Mae Sai from around the world exemplify “fraternity between nations.”

Bluster, egotism, divisiveness, and small-mindedness do not.

Patti Willis

Denman Island

Comox Valley Record