Dear Editor,
A large dumpster has been placed in two of the designated handicap parking spaces in front of what was once the Toronto Dominion Bank at the shopping mall near No Frills and the future home of McFrugal [the old Army & Navy in the Langley Mall in downtown Langley City].
There are very few designated handicap parking spaces in that parking lot. Four are close to the post office outlet in the mall, but now two are occupied by a very large construction dumpster, which is connected to the construction being done in the old Toronto Dominion Bank.
When I spoke to one of the people at the construction site his response was “That’s where the boss said to put it.”
Please moved it to another spot, which is not one of the few designated handicap parking spaces close to the post office.
I’m pleased to say that the GM of the company has instructed the company employees to move the offending dumpster.
Geoff Straker, Langley City
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