LETTER: Opinion piece on SFN issue greatly appreciated

LETTER: Opinion piece on SFN issue greatly appreciated

LETTERS: Headline on SFN story was not helpful


Thank you, Frank Bucholtz, for your follow-up opinion piece, which displayed candour and clarity – “Federal ‘paternalism’ at root of SFN housing issue.”

The PAN article headline, “Pay $50K for water connections or leave,” – blatantly misrepresented the situation by implying bully behaviour on the First Nation.

Blame, judgments and assumptions with spin are not helpful in finding options and solutions – in headlines or social media buzz.

Sad to witness further condemnation of key persons, Aboriginal peoples and SFN, accusations, mean judgments and racist comments on social media which followed the story.

Journalism needs to stop reinforcing negative assumptions about bullies or stereotype images and financial operations about the SFN and all Aboriginal communities and people for doing the bidding government imposed on them for their survival and management.

The headline could have been more constructive: Semiahmoo First Nation obliged to inform tenants of federal government’s system will not pay for water connections.

Please, can we work better together with so many challenges facing communities?

Residents can reach out for support from many local services and agencies to find their own solutions.

Pat Petrala, White Rock

Peace Arch News