Dear Editor,
Before comments are made about the pipeline, homework on the subject should be done.
No one group of people have all the rights.
There are 43 groups of indigenous people wanting the pipeline. They are concerned about jobs in our province.
A poll has shown that 2/3 or 66 per cent of British Columbians want and agree with the pipeline. So the NDP in B.C. are not speaking for the majority.
We are an oil dependent society. There are a lot of byproducts of oil. Driving a car is one.
The tires on cars are a product of oil.
Solar and wind power are not an option locally, so far.
Ample wind and sun are needed. Also, our wildlife has to be protected – namely birds.
The prime minister has already signed off on the pipeline deal – so it will go through.
Bonnie Funk, Walnut Grove, Langley