LETTER: Options available to recycle plastic bags

LETTER: Options available to recycle plastic bags

I am responding to Mark Lesurf's letter, "Few options for plastic bags" and his query as to where to recycle plastic bags.

I am responding to Mark Lesurf’s letter, “Few options for plastic bags” and his query as to where to recycle plastic bags.

The Bottle Depot accepts plastic bags for recycling at no charge. There is a receptacle there where one can place used, clean plastic bags. They will also supply a large, plastic bag for collection and one can drop the full bag off at their depot(s). The Bottle Depot also accepts styrofoam for recycling at no charge.

Once a month, Reynolds secondary school offers a recycling program for many items, including the above items, in return for a small donation. Check out the CRD’s myrecylopedia.ca for locations and recycling options of numerous items.

Lora Lea


Saanich News