Letter: Parking fine after two hours at Mission Park mall

What the owners forgot to put in is that the parking isn’t free if you shop for over two hours.

To the editor:

Mission Park Mall recently had a full page ad in the Capital News encouraging its patrons to visit. One particular phrase was: “Convenient Parking.”

What the owners forgot to put in is that the parking isn’t free if you shop for over two hours.

Last week I decided to stop at Dairy Queen in the mall and have some lunch. During that time my car must have been “scanned.”  After my 15-minute lunch I went home to drop off my parcels only to come back to the mall an hour later for my nail appointment, also at the mall.  Upon returning to my car I discovered that I had been given a parking ticket which stated that I had been parking there longer than two hours.

I asked the parking attendant what this was. Apparently if you park at the mall longer than two hours you are subjected to a $62 fine.  Of course, I pleaded my case but the attendant gave me a local number to call and left.

After about half an hour on the phone I finally convinced the lady that I had been to the mall earlier, left and then returned for my appointment and the ticket was erased.

What a fun day at the mall!

The owners of the mall really want you to shop fast and get out of there. To the owners of the mall and their precious parking lot: “Merry Christmas” and enjoy taking money from the people that support our local merchants.

Karen Thorsell,



Kelowna Capital News