To the Editor,
Re: Gov’t needs to listen when it comes to old growth forests, Letters, March 10
“Gov’t needs to listen” is another expression against old growth logging in BC forests.
We are “told to listen” to the young Indigenous woman pictured communing with a large cedar tree. Very few people in the world will do this.
We are to “listen to the figures” produced that promote the threats to old growth trees and speak of government failures to carry out their promises. Politicians pander to the whims of stakeholder groups who seek to stop the forest industry. Stakeholder groups overwhelm study committees with their claims about destruction of forests. They speak volumes of the tourist interest in BC forests, mostly inaccessible.
Forest advisory boards are filled with bureaucrats and persons who advise only non-resource use. They press for “green” projects, taxpayer paid. Most are doubtful to service much.
We are told to listen to green deal groups like Stand Earth, Sierra Club who push radical activism to oppose public wealth from resource extraction.
Are presentations from the middle or lower classes heard by study committees? Public apathy makes them ignored.
These “listen letters” have opinions that only support crisis claims. They will use whatever weather change tales to stifle opponents. Many “green” ideas are touted as efficient. However, the bigger picture of lost jobs and economic collapse must influence the decisions about resource wealth.
Oppose these letters and their programs of misguided information.
Bruce E. Hornidge,
Port Alberni