Letter: Penticton streets have turned into a speedway

I did not know that Warren Avenue and Okanagan Avenue turned into Daytona 500 Speedway .

I did not know that Warren Avenue and Okanagan Avenue turned into Daytona 500 Speedway between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. most week nights including Saturday.

Had I known this I probably would have looked elsewhere to live.

The  noise  from people revving their engines at the stop light on Warren Avenue and then when the light turns green they put pedal to the metal and go screaming up to Government Street, or they go  screaming west on Warren Avenue to only they know where — or do they? I thought there was a bylaw on noise from vehicles? If there is it isn’t followed or enforced.

Then there are the ones who sit in the parking lot somewhere near Winners and rev their engines or have their music on that all I hear is the boom, boom, boom of the player.

I live in the Pines Mobile Home Park and my bedroom is adjacent to Warren Avenue, so at times I get the feeling these racers are coming through my bedroom.

I take my dog for her nightly trek on Okanagan Avenue and the same thing goes on there. People in pickups and cars with loud mufflers go racing East on Okanagan  Avenue. What is the hurry? I have no idea. They are not going as fast as they might think but they sure create a lot of noise.

I hope something can be done about this. It is disturbing to all of us who live adjacent to Warren Avenue and Okanagan Avenue.

Doreen Johnson



Penticton Western News