As the federal election campaign winds down, I’d like to thank all the people, from all parties, who have worked so hard over the past weeks and months to get their party platforms out to the public. It’s an essential part of our democracy for voters to be well-informed before making their choice.
In this big, beautiful riding that has meant a lot of travel, opening campaign offices in the Okanagan, Boundary Country and West Kootenay, and over a dozen public forums where the candidates have presented their commitments to the people.
READ MORE: NDP leader Jagmeet Singh returns to Penticton Oct. 19
I’m proud of the NDP commitments, and people across this country have responded with growing support as they hear our message for more affordable housing, better health care, and real action on climate change. Jagmeet Singh has soared in popularity as Canadians see that he is one leader that is on their side. We’ll stand up to big pharmaceutical corporations and insurance companies to bring in universal, public pharmacare next year. We’ll stand up to big telecom corporations by reducing and capping cellphone and internet charges. We’ll stand up to big oil companies by ending subsidies to the fossil fuel industry.
We’re on the side of small business and hard-working Canadians, and we’ll pay for our programs by shutting down offshore tax havens where corporations and the super-wealthy hide billions of dollars of Canadian taxable income.
It has been an honour and privilege to be your Member of Parliament for the past four years. I will bring a voice of experience to Ottawa, a voice for science and the environment, so on Oct. 21, I ask you to re-elect me as your MP.
Richard Cannings