Chilliwack school trustee Barry Neufeld (bottom right) lights a cigarette during a public school board meeting held via Zoom on Jan. 12. He was also seen drinking from a wine glass before his video feed cut out. (Screenshot)

LETTER: Petulant Chilliwack school board trustee antics continue

'I, for one, have had enough of the grandstanding of these three'

Here we go again.

Having watched the first 16 minutes of the Chilliwack school board meeting of June 15, I have to say I am outraged at the antics of three of our trustees: Barry Neufeld, Darrell Furgason, and Heather Maahs.

They acted like three petulant children throwing tantrums because they could not get their own way.

RELATED: OPINION: Enough is enough with regressive Chilliwack school trustees

I can only hope and pray that come election time, Chilliwack will have had enough of their behaviour and elect a slate of inclusive school trustees.

As one of the marginalized population they disdain, I can only hope that the next Chilliwack board includes trustees who care for all students no matter who they may be.

I, for one, have had enough of the grandstanding of these three and hope they get their comeuppance at the ballot box.

Jennifer Scott

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