Letters to the editor should be no longer than 250 words and will be edited. Include your address (it won’t be published). E-mail editor@nanaimobulletin.com.

Letters to the editor should be no longer than 250 words and will be edited. Include your address (it won’t be published). E-mail editor@nanaimobulletin.com.

Letter: Pipeline battle ‘misguided and futile’

I am, however, not writing in support of Suzuki.

To the editor:

I am a commercial and land development lawyer in Kelowna. I am on David Suzuki’s mailing list, I am aware of the unequivocal science that climate change is man made, and I have recently ordered a Tesla 3 to reduce my carbon footprint.

I am, however, not writing in support of Suzuki. His pipeline battle is misguided and futile. If his goal is to reduce emissions, he should be fighting the BC government to implement real EV incentives. Our current EV incentive system is abysmal and does almost nothing to help British Columbians transition away from oil. This is just one pipeline. As long as oil is our only viable option, we will keep purchasing it, and the pipeline threats will continue.

David has lost sight of the forest for the trees. If he really wants to fight climate change, I would argue that David should be rallying to support this pipeline, but require a substantial royalty that would fund electric vehicle incentives program to help British Columbians purchase electric vehicles. Use oil money to cannibalize the industry.

I hope you publish this letter, and David sees it and realizes he has lost sight of the larger goal.

Wesley Forgione,


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