I cannot believe the opening lead of the article “Oak Bay residents recycle soft plastics for free“.
“Unlike our next-door neighbours in Victoria, Oak Bay residents can still enjoy the convenience of plastic shopping bags – and now they can be recycled.”
RELATED: Saanich to ban single-use plastic bags by Jan. 1, 2020
What a horrible way to start the article. It does not promote anything good. You are putting down the good that Victoria residents have done by banning plastic bags. Jesse hints that Oak Bay residents are once again on their high horse and actually thinks they are better because they still use plastic bags. I am shocked Oak Bay News would take that stance.
RELATED: EDITORIAL: Ban on plastic bags reflects new reality
If you want to continue using plastic bags, you will be responsible for the death of our planet. I don’t know if you care about living on this earth at all, but I do and it’s our only home. To take such a small point of view by writing that opening line is ridiculous. Open your mind. Look at the bigger picture and think of the entire world.
RELATED: Each Saanich resident uses 200 single-use plastic bags a year, report estimates
I cannot believe Oak Bay still uses plastic bans, they should be banned immediately, no matter differing opinions. It’s not about people’s opinions – it’s about our planet. Sometimes things are more important than just you. I am so proud to live in Victoria, the first place in Canada to ban plastic bags. I am sorry you don’t feel the same.
RELATED: Esquimalt looks into instating plastic bag ban
I wanted to let you know my thoughts because I am shocked, sad and sorry that the editor of Oak Bay News would allow an article to open with such a horrible line.
Amanda McAlpine