LETTER: Please protect our trees

Should trees, especially mature deciduous ones, be classed as an endangered species?

It is with great sadness and alarm that I witness the growing barren pre-building sites within Mission’s urban boundary, that have been scorched to expedite building and financial benefits to the developers.

How is it possible for council to have not noticed such facts? Presumably council does not care one whit!

Should trees, especially mature deciduous ones, be classed as an endangered species within Mission? For sure they are a rarity, bar Heritage and Centennial Parks.

As Council is promoting the expediting of development in the Southwest Mission area and spending $600,000 to map all public infrastructures, why not record the current tree cover too?

I earnestly wish to promote an urgent implementation of a Tree Protection Bylaw which should have real teeth.

With all the constant barrage of global warming and greenhouse gas propaganda, surely the valuable gaseous exchange that trees provide becomes priceless.

Obviously, car parking is high priority for the hospital, but mature trees and shrubs that were there fronting the hospital have never been replaced.

Mission is becoming really ugly without mature trees and older character houses, as both are falling like dominoes.

Jeanette Smith,


Mission City Record