LETTER: Premier Horgan does not believe we are interested in discussing electoral reform

Dear editor,

LETTER: Premier Horgan does not believe we are interested in discussing electoral reform

Dear editor,

Premier Horgan was pestered all last week in question period to release a ballot question on the upcoming proportional representation referendum.

His response was that British Columbians won’t talk about electoral reform around their summer barbecues.

He does not think that people need a lot of time or discussion to decide how MLAs are elected and will not release a ballot question until fall. I disagree; electoral reform is a key plank in the NDP-Green alliance.

In the unlikely event that Horgan, Weaver or Wilkinson were at my summer barbecue, electoral reform would be a hot, sizzling topic. Due to lack of public discussion, and a lack of a question on electoral reform by politicians on this important issue, I would not offer any of the three leaders a grade AAA Alberta steak or even a Grade A Alberta burger. I would offer a tube steak on a plain bun.

In the toxic political environment today in British Columbia, how can an educated discussion take place on anything? Pipeline politics in B.C. has totally destroyed any rational discussion on anything. Paid protesters are running B.C.

It is time for everyone to take a timeout, and perhaps as Mr. Weaver states, “Let’s have an election.”

Wayne Martineau

Fraser Lake

Comox Valley Record