LETTER: Preventing animals from suffering

I was very glad to see the letter in the Grand Forks Gazette regarding the living conditions of local horses.


Re: Condition concerns for animals (letter, Sept. 19 issue  of the Grand Forks Gazette)

I was very glad to see the letter in the paper regarding the living conditions of local horses.

I am brought to tears by the abuse these animals are being dealt.  I have observed that there are too many animals for the space provided, no shelter, very little water to drink, except the adjoining river (which leads to run off of urine and feces into the river, which has a detrimental affect on the ecosystem), and poor quality (if any) feed.

On one occasion a very skinny horse (easily seen hip, shoulder and rib bones) was eating black, moldy hay.

When I inquired about the property, I was disgusted to learn the SPCA had been there on numerous occasions and done nothing.

The SPCA stands for PREVENTION OF CRUELTY! How is cruelty being prevented in this situation?

Something needs to be done to stop the suffering of all these animals and the poisoning of the ecosystem!

Jennifer Thomasson, Christina Lake

Grand Forks Gazette