Email letters to

LETTER: Protecting others is honouring God

Rebecca Stirling voices her agreement with retired pastor

Dear Editor:

I was grateful for the letter, published in your December 17th edition, from retired Pastor Arthur Isaac.

Pastor Issac wrote regarding the church leaders who are choosing to defy public health orders by continuing in person services.

I want to thank him for speaking out in what, I am confident, many of us are feeling. I too am disappointed in those church leaders and the message they are sending and for their utter disregard for the safety of others.

The vast majority of people of faith are making the sacrifice to stay home and protect others during a deadly pandemic. We also do this to honour God.

My husband and I are new to the area and so haven’t been able to connect with a church yet. I wish I knew which one Pastor Issac served in because that is the kind that I would want to go to when it’s safe to do so.


Rebecca Stirling

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Agassiz-Harrison Observer