Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Letter: Proud of our volunteers

Hundreds of people have unselfishly given a lifetime of volunteer service in Penticton

Proud of our volunteers

I recently took the opportunity to view the tribute bench to Muriel Franck. I would like to thank city council for this fitting tribute to a woman that spent 68 years in Penticton; 25 of those as a watchdog of city council.

While citizens raised the funds for this bench this marvelous work of art is due to council’s efforts to ensure this dedicated woman received adequate remembrance. I hope the city is committed to taking good care of this priceless piece of woodcarving.

I attended a volunteer appreciation dinner last week and was pleasantly surprised to learn that B.C. has the highest number of committed volunteers in the country averaging 500 hours per year per volunteer. Wow! Good on ya gang!

Many unsung heroes have made significant contributions to our fair city. Space limits me to only a few: Sharon Amos longtime volunteer was significant in establishing Okanagan Lake Park which likely would have been a row of condos without her hard work. A plaque to her hard work and dedication is installed in the wall at the entrance to the park.

George Little was extremely committed to the community, serving on the City’s Fiscal Review Advisory Committee and previously on the Development Services Advisory Committee. He also gave his time to many industry organizations like the Southern Interior Construction Association, B.C. Construction Association, Electrical Safety Advisory Board of B.C. and Penticton and Wine Country Chamber of Commerce.

I will never forget during Garry Litke’s term as mayor when George Little went head to head with the mayor in an attempt to ensure secure fiscal accountability from council through the Fiscal Review Advisory Committee. Litke in a fit of pique disbanded that committee during his short term as mayor. George passed away shortly thereafter.

George is not alone in his efforts. There are hundreds of people that have unselfishly given a lifetime of volunteer service including on various city committees in an effort to better our way of life.

Perhaps the greatest tribute of all is for citizens to remember their individual contributions such as George’s significant contributions to our welfare and his attempt to bring accountability from a mayor that was having none of it.

This week of paying tribute to the many selfless volunteers in our community including John and Barbara Pettifer of the Salvation Army has been to me personally a humbling experience.

Elvena Slump


Penticton Western News