LETTER: Public solutions needed for surgical wait times

LETTER: Public solutions needed for surgical wait times

Private surgery centres increase health care costs without providing more positive outcomes

Dear Editor:

Contrary to the inaccurate and misleading assertions of profit-motivated health professionals like Dr. Day, private surgery centres increase health care costs for everyone without providing more positive outcomes.

Canadians should back positive public solutions to surgical wait times that are evidence-based, efficient and safe.

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Forcing people to pay to get a quicker surgery, will increase wait times for those who rely on the public system, increase costs overall and will result in poorer patient outcomes.

Believe me, I know.

I lived in the U.S. and saw the private model in action. You will wait as long or longer.

In fact, let British Columbians who want private surgeries simply go to the U.S. and pay with their own money. Leave our taxpayer money in Canada for our public system.

Linda Netherton


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