I am happy that there is no definite plan to build condos on the present market site but its up for consideration at this point.
I think it’s not a good place for housing and I question why the market is being moved on to the park and the green space is being made hard surface.
The present site is the best I believe and gets good sun when it’s needed in the spring and fall. Hey, in 20 years the market may be the only place to buy food so we need lots of space to expand!
I appreciate Anna Purcell basically questioning the process and asking to slow it down and consult the people. Why move the market in the first place is what I would like to know. I also appreciate that Anna came to the market with plans in hand last summer, making it accessible and easy for people to have input. As the planning process is still underway at Cottonwood I encourage everyone interested to shoot off a letter to city council. What do you want to see happen with that land the market sits on? To write to city council go the city website, then staff directory, and scroll down to the mayor and council.
John Alton