Letter: Reconsider use of resources

I hope this year will be the year where communities can come together and reconsider the use of resources, writes Angelica Herlihy.

I am sure Rock Creek residents that lost everything in the fire were heartened by Christy Clark’s windy blather.

In the meantime, the wheels keep rolling, profits flow into timber and mining corporations. Mount Polley mine is to reopen, as if nothing had happened, and throughout this drought the logging has been continuing in our area, as if nothing were dreadfully wrong.

Trees also are a part of the hydrological cycle, and judging from the size of timber at the mill, there is not much left. Treeplanting cannot have gone too well this spring, with the intense heat.

Our landscape reflects our ignorance and our understanding of how systems function. Its degradation shines a light into our own future.

I hope this year will be the year where communities can come together and reconsider the use of resources which has exceeded all possibility of their recovery.

– Angelica Herlihy, Grand Forks


Grand Forks Gazette