Letter: Remember: no environment = no economy

Re: B.C. Views, Inner children take over city, Oak Bay News, Sept. 30

Re: B.C. Views, Inner children take over city, Oak Bay News, Sept. 30

In the Wednesday, Sept. 30 issue, in his column “Inner children take over city”, Tom Fletcher made perhaps one valid point: a provincial bill of environmental rights might lead to legal confusion and increasing bureaucracy.

Surely busy politicians and lawyers don’t need more work to do.

The rest of article, in my opinion, was the bozo eruption of a man who complains about “bozo eruptions.”

Yes, Mr. Fletcher, there is such a thing as “crushing capitalism,” just as there is such a thing as crushing communism.

Surely the political task of our time is to get the optimum blend of capitalism and socialism and not go to one extreme or the other.

Tom is certainly right: we have “health, comfort and opportunity not imagined by anyone 100 years ago,” and that’s something to celebrate at Thanksgiving and all year round.

However, we will lose it all unless we halt pollution and environmental degradation.

If the economy is so important to Canadians, the health of the environment should be even more important. The fact is: no environment = no economy.

I’ll be keeping that in mind on voting day.

Jim Hill


Oak Bay



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