LETTER: Rumble strips could make road safer

One of the challenges while driving to Sooke from Victoria until the mid-1980s was the railroad crossing coming down the hill just before Saseenos.


One of the challenges while driving to Sooke from Victoria until the mid-1980s was the railroad crossing coming down the hill just before Saseenos.

If you were driving a tad too fast or not paying attention, chances were fair that you ended up in a crash. That would cause the RCMP to stick yet another warning flare into the telephone pole at the bottom of the hill.

Today, those tracks are gone, and the crossing turned into a well-used walking trail. It was great to see the installation of the crosswalk with a flashing light. However, accidents still prevail at that spot.

Most locals are aware of this situation. However, for the benefit of the distracted driver or visitor, I humbly suggest that the highways department etch rumble strips into the roadbed for that touch of added safety.

Mike Thomas


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