LETTER: Save Sooke’s last open park space

Climate change must be top of mind in park development, reader says


Re: Opposition grows over park project (News, Aug. 26)

The proposed Sooke Lions Club community centre in John Phillips Memorial Park is not a suitable response by the town in its obligation to address the declared climate emergency. The evidence that this emergency is real is in the news every day.

Sooke is experiencing one of the worst droughts in the town’s history, yet the pond in the park is still full of water. Given the increased chance of a severe rainfall event resulting from climate change, this area of the park may incur flooding that drainage may not handle. This park must be preserved as an open space for future generations and due to its ecological sensitivity.

Sooke is fortunate to belong to the wealthiest 10 per cent of the world. Our elder population grew in a prosperous time, and the climate is suffering from our consumption habits. Future generations can only dream of an affordable life, free of mounting debt and a climate and environment not at risk.

Please, elders, do not be selfish for want of a building in a park but start to respect the need to save an ecosystem in the town’s only large open park space.

William Wallace


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