The letter that was sent out to Tuesday, Feb. 9 by the (SD 27) superintendent informing us that it will be our discretion as to if we send our kids to school when the temperature is too low or the road conditions are bad is a very disappointing statement given by the board that is supposed to be making decisions in our kids’ best interest.
We live 45 minutes from town and if our bus was to break down in the cold weather it would take a long time for them to get a replacement bus sent out to the kids.
I know there will be people commenting: well if the kids dress for the weather they would be fine. Well my son is in Grade 11 and today went to school in his insulated work coveralls and winter boots, however, when he gets to school today he has no locker to put his winter gear in because they were not issued lockers this year due to COVID-19. I think that it is unrealistic to expect these kids to haul around the clothes that they need to ride the bus in at -32C.
READ MORE: Updated policy sees Cariboo Chilcotin school buses running duriung extreme cold warning
I would not have sent him to school since, as the board puts it, “Parents must exercise discretion as to whether students should be sent to school when temperatures are low, and conditions are hazardous. Responsibility for such decisions cannot rest with the supervisor, the bus driver or the board.” But, they have implemented the cohorts and three-hour classes because of COVID-19, so my son cannot miss school as he has Physics 11 and to miss three hours of class instruction will put him too far behind. I have two other school-aged children that I have kept home today.
It also states: “The policy change was circulated for feedback through email and social media from Nov. 25 – Dec. 2 and received no feedback from the public.” I did not receive any such email and am not on social media all the time. They finish the letter by stating: “We will continue to update our policy and procedures in an effort to maximize our service to our student and families.” If this statement were true they certainly would not have changed the transportation policy — a policy that was originally implemented to keep our kids safe.
Shay Dyer
Big Lake, B.C.
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