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LETTER: School district should expand green ambitions

From reader Malin Christensson

Thank you School District 8 for sharing what the board, school, teachers, students and parents are doing for our Earth, as presented online, in a submitted article and an ad in the Nelson Star.

As you continue the green ambition, I encourage you to declare a climate change emergency, as the Victoria and Vancouver school districts have done. Part of that declaration is to follow scientific practices in investigating the school district’s climate impact and make a plan for how to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and other environmental impacts.

I am glad that the school district has the financial means to pay for a two-page advertisement about this and thus I assume there are more resources to pay for a co-ordinator of a climate change emergency policy and for supporting staff to take action and integrate outdoor and environmental learning for the students.

It is wonderful to involve parents and caregivers yet make sure that school gardens, waste-free lunches and carpooling are not only happening thanks to parents’ volunteering. Climate change awareness can be an opportunity to beautiful community and health growing, with the support of loving leaderships.

Malin Christensson


Nelson Star